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Charitable sports marathon “Dobry May”


In Park Pobedy of our city there was a charitable sports marathon “Dobry May”. It was organized by the regional Federation of Trade Unions in cooperation with the Russian Children’s Fund with the support of the sportsmen network Sportmaster, which provided prizes to the winners of this run.

The Agrarian University was on top, the whole pedestal went to the students of our university!

The distance of 3 km among the girls was overcome most quickly by Tkacheva Anastasia and Voronina Lubov, 3rd year students of the 2nd group, Anna Kosheleva, 2nd year student of the 1st group, all of them are students of the Faculty of Technological Management, and Luneva Kristina, 4th year student of the 2nd group of the Accounting and Finance Faculty.

Among the young men were the first: Aleksey Mazikin, 2nd year student of the Faculty of Economics, Stukalov Anton, 1st year student of the 3rd group of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization, and Khachaturyan Arthur, 1st year student of the 1st group of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization.

All the winners received certificates for 1000 roubles from the sponsor of the run - the store “Sportmaster”, where they can buy goods for this amount.

The holiday of spring, work and healthy lifestyle was a success! All the funds collected during the sporting event will be directed to help children who are ill with cancers. 

Дата новости для фото:  07.05.2018
Номер новости для фото:  7

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