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The certified TOEFL center opened at STGAU


At the Stavropol state agricultural university, the certified TOEFL center began working. On March 28, 2015, the first examination took place. The certificate on the most famous examination in English TOEFL is necessary to enter more than 2400 colleges and universities in the world. The TOEFL is also admitted by business structures, research centers of the English-speaking countries, and in more than 150 other countries of the world, it is developed by the American organization of Educational Testing Service (ETS) and estimates the level of language preparation if English is a foreign language. The TOEFL certificate is obligatory for entering the MVA programs at foreign universities, for participation in foreign training and grant programs, at employment.

Examination estimates skills of reading, writing, oral speech and the level of understanding English. The test is based on American English. We invite everybody to pass the international examination. Detailed information is on phone 8-928-633-18-33.

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