Center of the quality management in education


Webinar of the European Foundation of Quality Management (EFQM) "DMAIC- improvement methodology"

On March 25, 2015 the staff of the Centre of quality management in education participated in the webinar, which was held by the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM). The webinar was dedicated to methods of improving the activity using the DMAIC methodology. The presentation was carried out by the EFQM Chief Operating Officer Matt Fisher. The webinar was attended by representatives of European and international organizations.

In his presentation Matt Fisher informed the participants of the webinar about the use of this technique. He stressed the importance of this tool, which can be used along with the EFQM Excellence Model to improve the performance of organizations. The speaker outlined that there is a close alignment between the cycles of the RADAR system and DMAIC methodology, as well as the main stages of this methodology, which include:

1. Defining the areas for improvement;

2. Measuring the results;

3. Analyzing (causes, identifying the areas of monitoring and possible solutions, developing a plan for improving the activity);

4. Improving;

5. Checking the results of activities.

During the webinar, the staff of the Centre of quality management in education had the opportunity to ask questions and get answers. At the end of the webinar the staff of the department discussed the listened information. 

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