Continuity of generations


Towards the profession

Students of Accounting and Finance Faculty under the guidance of J.M. Sklyarova, professor, the Head of Department of Financial Management and Banking, and L.A. Latysheva, associate professor, visited Personnel Department of the Main Branch in Stavropol territory of South-Western Bank of Sberbank of Russia.

Effective business communications have developed between the Russia's largest bank and one of the leading centers of education and science in the south of Russia. Interaction of financial and educational institutions provide various forms of joint activities in a number of key areas, including training of skilled specialists, sustaining research, providing access to modern banking products and services.

E.G. Bolotova, a recruiter, selected the SSAU students for vacancies of Contact Center in the form of tests and interviews. Within two weeks the newly elected candidates will have training course, and then they will pass a qualifying exam.

The agreement on strategic partnership is an important step towards greater interaction of Sberbank of Russia with the leading centers of higher education in our country. 

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