Continuity of generations


"Victory in the Great Patriotic War is a feat and glory of the Soviet people"

03 March, 2015 teachers of chair "Economic analysis and audit" Sklyarov I. Yu., Uryadoviy T. N., Nesterenko A.V., T. S. Bezdolny, Bashkatova T. Yu., Kharchenko, M. A. together with the Professor of the Department of philosophy and history Yanush Sergei Vladimirovich for the 4th year students of accounting and Finance faculty held a public lecture, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the great Patriotic War. Sergey Vladimirovich has told about the main stages of the liberation of our homeland, the North Caucasus and Stavropol from the Nazi invaders.

The victory in the great Patriotic war is a feat and glory of the Soviet people. Whatever changed in recent years assessment and even the facts of our history, May 9 - the Victory Day - remains unchanged. Eternal glory to the winners, our grandfathers and fathers, fell under the iron onslaught of the Nazis. We will never forget what price we got the Victory. 

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