Center of the quality management in education
We invite you to participate in a sociological study "Professional plans and current issues of employment of graduates of SSAU"
In the period from December, 5 to December, 16 2016 the Department of sociological and marketing research ща Center for quality management of education conducts a survey of graduate students in order to obtain information about vocational plans of the graduates of the Stavropol state agrarian University 2017.
Annually at the stage of graduation of the students of our University have the opportunity to share plans for career development and growth, to discuss topical employment issues.
In addition, an important part of the study – assessment of satisfaction of graduates with the quality of the obtained knowledge and competences, in General, opportunities for professional development in the learning process at the University.
According to a survey of graduates of our University in each faculty depending on the specific areas of training are suggested to increase the capabilities of graduates to employment and self-employment in the current conditions of the regional labour market.
We invite all interested sides to discuss the results of the research in the Department of sociological research and marketing of the Centre for quality management of education (tel 35-77-86, Ivashova Valentina, Fedikova Tatiana).