Center of the quality management in education

Head of the Center of the quality management in education
The Center of Quality Management in Education (CQME) is a subdivision of the Stavropol State Agrarian University and it operates on the basis of the CQME regulations.
The CQME was created in 2002 by the order of the Rector V.I.Trukhachev for the development, implementation and continuous improvement of the quality management system as the basis for improving the competitiveness and sustainability of the University on the educational, research and advisory services markets and to ensure employee satisfaction, customers and all stakeholders’ satisfaction.
The quality management system of the University aims to improve the quality of education through the integration of educational process with science and industry, the introduction of new educational technologies, develop the training and methodological support of the educational process.
In accordance with this, the CQME operates in the following areas:
- Planning, implementation, monitoring and continuous improvement of the quality management system of the University in accordance with the requirements of Russian and international standards of ISO (ISO) 9001, 14001, and European standards of quality assurance of education ESG-ENQA;
- Organizing and conducting training in the area of quality management, as well as providing consulting services in the field of quality for third parties;
- Preparation of documentation for the licensing procedure and accreditation, as well as monitoring the implementation of the annual monitoring of the effectiveness of educational institutions of higher education, organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
- Coordination of structural departments in the preparation and completion of the procedure of professional accreditation;
- Development and sociological research on the educational, cultural, socio-economic, scientific and innovative spheres of the university; monitoring of public opinion of internal customers to improve on key activities of the University and related processes;
- Development, implementation and improvement of the rating activity of the professor-teaching staff to identify and nurture talent of employees as a constant source of creativity and innovation processes of the University;
- Interaction with educational institutions, governmental and non-governmental organizations in Russia and abroad, which are aimed at improving the quality of education;
- Informing the management, employees, customers, partners, different groups of the society about the results of implementation of the quality management system.
To organize and direct the activities in the area of quality in the structure of the CQME there are 5 departments: