Strategic planning department

Baidakov Andrey Nikolayevitch
Baidakov Andrey Nikolayevitch

Head of the department
Doctor of Economics, Professor

Zaporozhets Dmitriy Vasilyevitch
Zaporozhets Dmitriy Vasilyevitch

Manager of the department

Nazarenko Anton Vladimirovitch
Nazarenko Anton Vladimirovitch

Manager of the department

The purpose of the department of the strategic planning is to coordinate the main stages of the strategy of the University development, management and implementation of the strategic plan of the University taking into consideration the priorities of the University.

The main objective of the department is the coordination of the main strategically important directions of the University development, the coordination of strategic development plans of faculties and other departments, management of the development program of the University.

The following tasks refer to the main tasks of the department work:

  • Implementation of a clear strategy for the development of the University in accordance with a given mission, vision and strategic objective of the University to build a culture of strategic thinking among employees of the University;
  • Coordination and monitoring of the eight major strategic directions of the University: 1. Efficient management and personnel policies; 2. Innovations in the educational process; 3. Development of scientific-research and innovation activities; 4. SSAU – the International Research and Education Center; 5. Infrastructure Development; 6. SSAU - leader in introducing new information technologies; 7. Upbringing work; 8. Image promoting work;
  • Coordination of compliance of strategic directions and objectives of the University to the strategic objectives of the region and the state as a whole;
  • Coordination of the development of a long-term strategic partnership with prestigious foreign universities, educational and non-educational organizations, scientific laboratories, local and regional authorities and enterprises, representing mutual benefit and interest for the development of course majors and improvement of training quality of professionals at all levels, as well as the benefits for faculty, structural departments and the university as a whole.

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