Center of the quality management in education


Collecting rating questionnaires with data on the results of scientific-pedagogical employees of the University for 2016

Data collection on results of work of scientific and pedagogical workers will take place from 1 to 30 December 2016.

In order to respect the completeness of the results contained in the information each employee has the right to request the Department of inspections and certification of PPP rating form with information on the availability of data on their results in the database at the time of the request. When it detects missing or out of date information, the employee must contact the Department of inspections and certification of faculty with a request to eliminate inaccuracies. This sent the message by e-mail of the Department of inspection and certification of PPP with the application of questionnaires and rating assessments with missing data on the results of work of the employee.

Following the discussion of the list of evaluation criteria and their importance (scoring) at the Board meeting of deans were amended accordingly.

When determining the list of scientific and pedagogical workers included in high-performance level in 2016, are included employees involved in effective level and having results (fulfilled the standard) for the entire list of the following criteria

1. textbooks with the stamp (1.5.2, 1.5.3, 1.6.2,1.6.3);

2. the presence of the title (3.4);

3. the fulfilment of the standard on funds raised (4.1);

4. the presence of scientific works (5.3.1);

5. patents and certificates for inventions (5.8);

6. the implementation of the standard according to Hirsch citation index citation database RISC (5.14.1).

7. the availability of publications in international citation databases Scopus or Web of science (8.4.1, 8.4.4)

Criterion 8. "Preparation of scientific and pedagogical shots" (5.2) is used when defining a high-performance level only for the position "Professor".

The ratio of the h-Index is taken at the rate average for the University as of 01.01.2017 

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