Center of the quality management in education


The Head of the Centre for quality management Khokhlova Elena in April, 26-18 2017 participated in the practical seminar "Actual issues of state accreditation of educational activities. Requirements the basic educational program (on the example of the ba

September, 25 2017 head of Department of sociological research and marketing of the Centre for quality management of education and representatives of the student activists of Veterinarian Medicine Faculty discussed the results of questionnaire of students of 2-4 years of the Faculty on "Stavropol GAU – territory of cooperation" which was held September, 6-15 2017.

Veterinarian Medicine Faculty in the survey was assessed by 375 people, representing 80 per cent of the contingent of the second, third and fourth years.

Respondents demonstrated high satisfaction with the professional qualities of teachers of the University, relations with teachers during the educational process, expressed their suggestions for improving the work of the University.

Representatives of the student activists of the Veterinarian Medicine Faculty discussed constructive suggestions of their group-mates. Most students expressed in the survey of initiatives focused on improvements in the social sphere and the educational process.

Offers of the student activists and the results of a survey of Veterinarian Medicine Faculty will be reported to the management of the Faculty and the University and included in the work plan for the current academic year. 

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