Center of the quality management in education


Social portrait of the first-year student of the Stavropol GAU 2017 has been studied

From the first days of study at the University it is important to know how successful is the adaptation of first-year students to the University; what are their values, goals, professional and personal plans; how their academic time is organized; what social and domestic issues do they have; what is the willingness of the freshmen to understand, to perceive, to meet and develop the organizational culture of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

In this regard, the Department of sociological and marketing research Center of quality management of education conducts every year the planned sociological study "Social profile of first-year students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University".

This year the survey was held from November 13 to November 24, 2017 through personal accounts of freshmen.

Information obtained in the course of the study, will provide a timely opportunity to strengthen the most relevant directions of the educational activities of the faculties and the University. 

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