Center of the quality management in education


Results of the rating evaluation of the performance of the professor-teaching staff, departments and faculties in 2013

On 23.06.2014 at the Rector’s office meeting the Head of the department of the inspection and certification of the professor-teaching staff Evgeniy Galeev reported on the results of the rating of the professor-teaching staff, departments and faculties of the University in 2013.

The rating results were presented in sectional positions of the professor-teaching staff and achieved levels of efficiency. The data on performance standards for positions were reflected in the directions of work (sections rated).

The results of the rating evaluation of the professor-teaching staff, departments and faculties of the University in 2013 were transferred to the departments to discuss and develop measures to improve work efficiency.

To further develop the rating system of the performance of the professor-teaching staff , departments and faculties of the University areas for improvement have been suggested for discussion and further inclusion in the draft Regulations for the performance ratings of the faculty and departments of the University in 2014. 

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