Center of the quality management in education


Checking of rating questionnaires of the University teaching staff for the year 2014 has started.

For everyone having filled in the questionnaire of a rating of the teaching staff for 2014 the demonstrative base - confirming documents are formed based on the results of the department.

Validation of the data presented in the submitted questionnaires of the teaching staff was done by the department of the inspection and certification of the professor-teaching staff by continuous verification of originals or copies supporting the documents using the following sections list of the criteria of "Regulations for the rating of the performance of the teaching staff and departments of the University in 2014":

- section 1 Educational-methodological work (1.1-1.8)

- section 2 Training-pedagogical work (2.7-2.12)

- section 3 Qualification (3.1-3.4)

- section 4 Attracting funds to the University (4.2, 4.3)

- section 5 Scientific-research activity (5.2-5.13)

- section 7 Social work (7.5, 7.7, 7.8)

- section 8 Rewards and social recognition (8.1-8.15)

- section 9 International activity (9.1, 9.2, 9.4, 9.5)

A teacher coordinates the data about his/her work results with the structural subdivisions of the University according the following sections:

- section 1 Educational-methodological work (1.1.1, 1.2.1, 1.3.1, 1.4.1) – (scientific library – Obnovlenskaya М.V.)

- section 2 Training-pedagogical work (2.2-2.6) – (Institute of additional professional education– Debeliy R.V.)

- section 4 Attracting funds to the University (4.1) – (scientific- innovative training centre– Bezgina Y.A.

- section 5 Scientific-research activity (5.14) – ( department of scientific citation – Yarisheva Т.А.)

- section 6 Upbringing work (6.1-6.8) - (department on upbringing work and social issues– Gunko Т.I.)

- section 7 Social work (7.2) - (Vice-rector on social issues and professional orientation work– Maryin А.N.)

- section 9 International activity (9.3) – ( department of scientific citation – Yarisheva Т.А.)

The checking of the rating questionnaires will be finalized on 31 January , 2014 . 

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