Center of the quality management in education
On April 8-10, 2015 students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University added the finishing touches to the “portrait” of the modern young person of the Stavropol Territory
On April, 8-10, 2015 students of our University took part in the regional sociological research “Portrait of the modern young person of the Stavropol Territory”.
The survey took place on the initiative of the Ministry of education and youth policy of the Stavropol Territory.
The survey researched such aspects of the life of youth of the Territory, such as public, social and professional self-realization, as well as support of these processes by regional authorities. The research also tackled the issues of interethnic relationship and human values – health, family and love to our motherland.
Obtained information will allow defining areas for improvement of the youth policy of the Stavropol Territory and upbringing work at the University.