

This world can be a little bit kind. believe it! every day and every hour, it all depends on us!

The hymn of volunteers for students of an agricultural university is not just a word. The Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources has been patronizing over two orphanages in Stavropol for over 15 years and two correctional orphanages in Petrovsky and Grachevsky districts.

During this time, faculty students congratulated more than 5,700 children on holidays and continue to enthusiastically conduct volunteer activities. Therefore, on June 1, 2017, the children could not ignore the orphanage "Rosinka". Volunteers of the "Zabota" detachment visited the inmates to congratulate them on the holiday - the Children's Day.

For 9 years, the student volunteer group congratulates heartily, surprises with gifts and interesting creative programs of kids, spending their free time with pupils of "Rosinka". It is impossible not to notice the light of joy and happiness in these children's eyes at the long-awaited meetings.

Here and this time students brought sweet gifts and bright toys to children to give emotions and leave warm memories of this day. Indeed, the International Children’s Day should be fully and solely dedicated to the small citizens of our vast Homeland. They like no one need protection and warmth of our hearts!

Pupils of the orphanage with bright emotions and admiration received congratulations and gifts from the students of the detachment. In turn pleased the volunteers, showing their own talents. Danced, sang, played, but most importantly - they shared joy and gave the world a smile.

On this day, I would like to wish that no child suffered from infringement of his rights and freedom. To each of them had the opportunity to receive education and medical care, was happy and did not know the problems and disappointments. The adults would help children realize their dreams and make their childhood truly happy!

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