

Financial literacy is fashionable - youth of Svetlograd learned from professionals of Stavropol Agricultural University

On the occasion of the financier's Day celebrated in Russia on September 8, SSAU vice-rector for additional education O.M. Lisova and teachers of the department "Financial Management and Banking" organized a financial examination conducted with the elements of a master-class "Financial literacy is fashionable!" in school №7 of Svetlograd and Svetlograd Pedagogical College.

Financial exam was successfully passed also by 4-year students, Profile "Finance and credit" of the Institute of additional professional education. Examinees were awarded certificates and pleasant gifts.

In addition, teachers of the department "Finance, credit and insurance business" held a lecture with the binary branch of the Bank PJSC " Financial Corporation OTKRITIE " (Stavropol) for students of 3-4 courses of the Faculty of Economics, profiles "Finance and Credit", "Tax" and 1st year students of the specialty "Economic security".

Branch manager of the bank Elena G. Piven congratulated the students on their professional holiday, talked about job opportunities and career prospects in the Bank PJSC " Financial Corporation OTKRITIE."

Personal manager for premium customers invited students to do an internship in the Bank PJSC "Financial Corporation OTKRITIE" with subsequent employment.

Representatives of the Financial Corporation presented the university as a gift a book about the great Russian scientist, who three centuries ago laid the foundations of the Russian science in many fields of knowledge, - Mikhail Lomonosov.

Also as part of the financier's Day celebration in Russia, the department "Finance, credit and insurance business" held open defense of practical training reports. 4th year students of the Faculty of accounting and finance, profile, "Finance and Credit" presented the main conclusions resulting from the practice and made on the basis of their suggestions for improving the activity of the investigated entities.

The defense of practical training reports was held jointly with representatives of the branch of PJSC IC "Rosgosstrakh" in Stavropol Territory - the Deputy Director for Human Resources Anna Petrovna Ovcharenko and head of sales to corporate customers Soboleva Olga Nikolaevna, as well as financial company "Finam" - Deputy Director of Sales Volodin Mikhail Alexandrovich. 

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