

For "Restaurateur" the work shift has ended

Qualitative service and truly Russian hospitality was demonstrated in the summer in the Crimea student service group "Restaurateur" of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

The All-Russian labor project is completed - the consolidated student service group "Yalta", implemented on the basis of the hotel complex "Yalta - Intourist". And this means that the student detachment "Restaurateur" of the Stavropol State Agrarian University returned from the Crimean service "virgin land".

Within two months, the detachment soldiers (along with 400 students from 23 regions of Russia) gave all their strength and knowledge to ensure that the hotel "Yalta-Intourist" gave guests a high-level service, coziness and a comfortable stay during their summer holidays. Who only did not try themselves guys for this work shift: barista, sommelier, barman, waiter. And of course they gained invaluable experience of participation in all-Russian level events, showing their own professional opportunities.

It should be noted that the young service group "Restaurateur", organized two years ago on the basis of the faculty of socio-cultural service and tourism of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, with great desire promotes a healthy lifestyle among young people. Within the framework of this direction during the academic year, the members of the detachment conduct master classes on technology and technology of cooking healthy food in conjunction with professional chefs. Experience and skills in work students acquire during the organization of coffee-breaks, receptions, banquets. Similar events "Restaurateur" has already spent a lot. Soldiers of the service team on the shoulder table laying and decorating, observance of ethics and etiquette in the restaurant business, technology of preparation and serving of cocktails and evening cappuccino. As for the experience gained while working in the Crimea, students are sure that such a summer work semester will help them not only improve their qualifications, but will also play a positive role in the long term with further employment.

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