

Youth leaders are special people

School of Youth Leaders wasopened in the SSAU; here students may have a course on youth leaders’ skills, including theoretical and practical lessons, training students to work with children in a camp and in stressful situations, to solve various problems.

These classes help to unite youth leaders, disclose their creative abilities. Today life in children's camp is in full swing, so the leader must be full of ideas, strength, energy, and be able to lead mischievous little girls and boys.

Leader of the team "Dream" Catherine Sokolskaya in her opening remarks told the children about the Code of the SSAU counselor, and the principal rules which they should know and comply with.

Experienced counselors shared with newcomers with important information, e.g. how to come into contact with children; what should the leader know about his/her pupils, about day regimen and its organization, and leader’s actions in extreme situations.

In the end of the first lesson interesting mini-games for training memory and communication skills were played; all the students of the School took part in the games and had a lovely time.

Summer recreation season is not far off. If someone wants to try himself as a counselor in a summer health campaign, welcome to the School of Youth Leaders! 

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