

The best students of SSAU reached the finals of the annual national award "Student of the Year - 2016"

Fedor Zavyalik, Yana Nikonova and Veronica Serikova are among the winners of the regional stage of the most prestigious awards for students of Russian higher educational institutions.

All active students of Stavropol Territory were looking forward to the results of the regional stage of the annual national award "Student of the Year - 2016" founded by the Ministry of Education and Science and the All-Russian public organization "Russian Union of Youth."

Students of Stavropol State Agrarian University have shown themselves worthy in three categories: "The young scientist of the year" - 4th year student of the Faculty of Farm Mechanization Fedor Zavyalik; "Volunteer of the Year" - 3rd year student of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance Yana Nikonova and "Athlete of the Year" - 4th year student of the Faculty of Economics Veronica Serikova.

These students already have excellent achievements in study, scientific, social life and sports, and everyone in the Agrarian University knows them. So does the whole Russia!

The finals of the Award will be held from 14 to 18 November in Stavropol where the "cream" of the Russian students will meet. According to the last competition, more than 400 people from 52 regions of the country.

Congratulations to our students on deserved reaching the finals! You are the pride of Stavropol, you are the pride of all Stavropol State Agrarian University! We are waiting for the final success, we believe in you!

Video presentations of Stavropol State Agrarian University students-winners of the regional stage of the annual national award "Student of the Year - 2016" can be watched following the links:




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