

"Do not deprive tomorrow"

Today, activists of the volunteer group "Tolk" of Stavropol State Agrarian University within the framework of anti-drug volunteer project "Do not deprive tomorrow" held a volunteer rally in Grachevsky area.

The starting point of the project was not chosen accidentally. Author of voluntary action, a grant holder of the North Caucasian Youth Forum "Mashuk - 2015", "Best Volunteer of Russia 2015" is a student of Accounting and Finance Faculty Inna Guliyeva, graduater of secondary school №7 vill. Staromarevskoe. "We decided to start the project" Do not deprive tomorrow " from my home region, because here I had my first school volunteer project - says Inna. - I started volunteer movement in the 9th grade and very grateful to my supervisors: the head teacher of education Galina Chvalun, the teacher of the course of world culture Valentina Litvinenko - for what they have given the correct guidance in life. Grachevsky area generally generous with wonderful, sincere, noble people. "

University volunteer group "Tolk" has been working long with volunteer associations of Grachevsky area. The event was attended by 100 activists of volunteer associations from 12 educational establishments of Grachevsky area.

Volunteer project "Do not deprive tomorrow" targets young people to the only right choice - life without drugs. It is proved that the disease is easier to prevent than treat, and drug addiction as a spiritual and social disease is no exception, and it is in childhood and adolescence is easiest way to prevent this problem.

The program of the project includes talks about the dangers of drug abuse, training in the form of a game, as well as workshops in volunteering by the student leaders of the University. It helped the participants to simulate problematic situations related to any form of dependence, take part in their decision, as well as indicate their views on the problem of drug abuse prevention. It is important that the project is implemented, students who have passed a certified course of training on the prevention of drug abuse on the program "If not me, then who?" of the Third All-Russian Internet lesson "I have the right to know."

Grachevsky municipal area administration expressed deep appreciation and gratitude to the rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Professor Vladimir Trukhachev for the support and development of volunteering in Grachevsky area and expressed hope for further cooperation.

At the end of the meeting, in addition to handouts, the participants received certificates confirming participation in the guidance volunteer meeting.

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