

Volunteers will work together

The conference of staff volunteer groups of SSAU elected its head the student of Accounting and Finance faculty Inna Kulieva.
At the conference, which was held on May, 25 was attended by representatives of the volunteer movement of the University, demonstrated by the presentation of three volunteer groups. The main event was the establishment of the headquarters of the volunteer corps, which the new body will bring together representatives of all the volunteer units of the University. "Zabota", "Dobrovoletz" and "Tolk" will now be ready to act together in the name of good and important things.
The head of a staff of volunteer groups was elected the leader of the movement – Inna Kulieva. In the main, it was composed of the commanders and Commissars of units of the Agricultural University. At the end of the conference the participants were presented the plan of activities of the Staff, who will jointly implement the activists-volunteers of SSAU.

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