Exchange of best practices


The future of the staff policy of the region was discussed at the forum

Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted the regional human resources forum "Qualified personnel as a factor of economic growth". About 300 participant take part in the event. Representatives of the Executive and Legislative authorities, public associations, businessmen, teachers of higher and secondary professional schools gathered at the University to discuss various aspects of staff policy in the region. The forum was organized by the Ministry of Labour and Public Social Protection of of the Stavropol region and the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

The plenary session started with the reports of the Deputy Prime Minister of Stavropol Region V. I. Kuvaldina, First Deputy Chairman of the Stavropol Region Duma D. N. Sudovtsov, Minister of Labour and Public Social Protection I. I. Ulyanchenko, Deputy Minister of Education and Youth Policy G. S. Zubenko, the President of the Regional Association of Employers "the Congress of Stavropol Business Circles" V. P. Travov, Deputy Chairman of the Territorial Association of Trade Unions Federation of Stavropol territory T. I. Chechina.

The forum participants were welcomed by the Rector for additional education of the Stavropol State Agrarian University O. M. Lisova. She talked about the 85-year contribution of the University in training specialists of higher education for the region's economy.

8 round tables were held during the Forum. The participants discussed various issues of staff policy of the Stavropol Region.

One of the round tables was devoted to the analysis of place and role of professional standards of pedagogical activity in the training of highly qualified specialists. Teachers of the University spoke about their experience in the development of such normative documents and existing practice based on their needs in the training of students and listeners of programs of additional professional education.

The forum ended with the adoption of the resolution. The participants expressed a desire to make this Forum an annual event. 

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