Exchange of best practices
Innovation Week - a platform for dialogue for young scientists
Young scientists and students of Stavropol State Agrarian University actively participate in the activities of Innovation Week - 2015, organized by the Ministry of Economic Development of Stavropol Territory. Its purpose is to stimulate scientific and technological progress, promote innovation, develop an ecosystem of innovative entrepreneurship in the Region, as well as to demonstrate the achievements of scientific schools and the business community of Stavropol Territory and the North Caucasus Federal District on the development and implementation of new processes and products.
The program includes strategic sessions of the Center for Engineering and the Center for Cluster Development of the Region, thematic round tables, master classes and seminars on topical issues, the exhibition of innovative projects and products of regional producers. The event takes place in different innovation areas of Stavropol Territory.
Innovation Week was opened on October, 19 with plenary session "Regional innovative ecosystem. Experience and prospects for development. " It showed the problems and challenges that exist in the sphere of science and education, industry, agriculture of the region. The meeting was attended by representatives of the regional government, provincial ministries, municipal administration of Stavropol, Russian Venture Company, the industry department "Engineering", LLC "Business Russia", JSC "ROSNANO".
As part of the week at the Center for Technology Transfer (Mikhailovsk) on this day there was held a panel discussion "Development of a program to enhance innovation activity in agriculture of Stavropol Territory", moderated by Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Stavropol Territory Yu. Serbin. Active part in the discussion was taken by leading scientists of SSAU Professor T. Gurnovich, L. Agarkova, associate professors D. Shlaev, E. Kulaev, post-graduate student A. Putrina and others. In particular, associate professor of the department of processes and machines in agribusiness E. Kulaev spoke about the application of additive technologies in the development and manufacture of individual implants in cranioplasty and craniofacial surgery. Post-graduate student of the Faculty of Technological Management A. Putrina spoke about the peculiarities of the development of technology of bioyoghurt with sweetener "Stevia-VIT", rich in dietary fiber.
There was also an exhibition of innovative projects in the area: "Health", "Household chemistry", "Agriculture", "Construction", "Information technologies and electronics", "Social services." Developments of Stavropol State Agrarian University were presented in almost all directions. Scientists and students visited the exhibition and ask questions.
On October 20 there was a round table on "Innovations in the agricultural sector", organized by Stavropol State Agrarian University. It was attended by leading research institutions: Russian Research Institute of sheep and goat, Stavropol Research Institute of Agriculture, the Ministry of Agriculture of Stavropol Territory and representatives of agricultural enterprises of the region. Active discussion provided the impetus for further work.
On those days on the basis of Stavropol State Agrarian University in the Center for Youth Creativity "Vector" there were master classes on work with modern equipment.
Week of innovation continues, and it will last until 24 October.