Ecology and energy


At the conference, we talked about the crop cultivation technology without tillage.

Scientists of Agrobiology and Land Resources and the Environment and Landscape Construction Faculties professor of the Department of General and Reclamation of Agriculture, Doctor of Agriculture, G. Dorozhko, Doctor of Agriculture, Head of the General and Reclamation of Agriculture, O. Vlasova and Doctor of Agriculture, Head of the Department of Chemistry and Plant Protection A. Shutko participated in the All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Problems and prospects of development of cultivation technologies of agricultural crops without tillage." It has passed on the basis of Stavropol Agricultural Research Institute under the auspices of the Department of Agricultural Sciences Academy of Sciences.

Greeted the conference participants director of the Soil Institute. Dokuchaev, academician, Doctor of Agriculture, professor A. Ivanov.

In the process, reviewed the results of the research studies on the technology of crop cultivation without soil cultivation in the conditions of the Stavropol Territory, Rostov and Saratov regions, the Republic of Crimea. G. Dorozhko spoke about "The Impact of direct seeding in the main factors of soil fertility and productivity of field crops in the arid zone." 

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