Ecology and energy


Stavropol State Agrarian University is the best "green" regional university in Russia!

Following the results of the All-Russian Festival "VuzEcoFest-2017" the Stavropol State Agrarian University was recognized as a regional leader for a significant contribution to the development of the culture of the ecological way of life among young people.

May 29 at the Economics Faculty of Moscow State University.named after M.V. Lomonosov hosted the final meeting of the coordinators of "VUZECOFEST - 2017", at which the results of the festival were summed up at the national scale. The Stavropol State Agrarian University was represented by the regional project coordinator, associate professor of the department of economic theory and economy of the agrarian and industrial complex Olga Aleksandrovna Cherednichenko and the third-year student of the Economics Faculty (Economics) Victoria Stoyan.

Recall that the project "VuzEcoFest" is aimed at creating a "green" infrastructure in higher educational institutions. Organizers aspire that "green" objects become platforms for replicating environmental projects and knowledge. So, thanks to the indifferent teachers and students in universities, separate collection of waste is introduced, bicycle paths are being created, measures are being implemented to increase energy efficiency, and lectures and master classes on an environmentally friendly way of life appear in the curriculum.

The team of the "VuzEcoFest" project, which consists of 15 members of the organizing committee, several regional coordinators and 50 students in participating universities, is currently promoting the concept of a "green" university. The Organizing Committee is responsible for organizing and promoting the festival. Students supervise the implementation of the "green" infrastructure in their universities and conduct training activities for students and employees. It is important to note that for all members of the team this project is volunteer, so the organizers count on the support from the administration of universities and business representatives.

The final meeting in Moscow was opened by the Director for Development of the Center for Bioeconomy and Ecological Innovations of the Faculty of Economics of the MV Lomonosov Moscow State University, Pyotr Alekseyevich Kiryushin. The Center renders coordination support to the festival, and its leader is one of the initiators and organizers of the project. Peter Alekseevich reminded that one of the key tasks of the project is to contribute to the training of personnel for a "green" economy that ensures the growth of the well-being of the population. In the process of implementing the festival events, students are given the opportunity to gain practical experience in project management, learn how to develop eco-innovations and make not only their university green, but also their hometown and our country "green."

The welcoming speech was addressed to the participants of the meeting by the director of the organizing committee of the festival Anastasia Evseeva, who summed up the results of the festival and informed the audience about the results of the "VUZECOFEST-2017".

It turns out that over two weeks of project implementation more than 200 events were held in 50 universities in 15 cities of the country. More than 15 thousand people took part in the festival's actions. As a result, 15 tons of waste paper, 150 kg of recyclables, 80 kg of batteries were collected and transferred for processing; 70 kg of clothes are given for charity; More than 300 trees were planted.

At the final meeting, the winners in the Race of Higher Education were awarded. During the festival, participants were awarded points for activity on various criteria. For the best results, the universities were awarded prizes.

Thus, among the Moscow universities I took the first place in the State University of Management, in second place - Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and III place was awarded to the Russian State Social University.

Among the regional universities, the Stavropol State Agrarian University became the winner!

In second place - Syktyvkar State University. Pitirima Sorokina (Komi Republic), III - Don State Technical University (Rostov-on-Don).

The winners received valuable gifts and letters of appreciation "For their contribution to the development of the culture of ecological way of life among the youth" in the framework of participation in the 3rd Youth Festival in the field of ecology and sustainable development "VuzEcoFest - 2017".

With the support of the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Professor Olga Nikolaevna Kusakina, at the Agrarian University, the "University of Economics" events were initiated and conducted by the students of the 3rd course of the Faculty of Economics (Economics, "Economics of Enterprises and Organizations") and 1 course of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture Ecology and Nature Management "). Associate professors Julia V. Rybasova and Svetlana V. Okrut.

As a result of the "Race of Higher Education" Stavropol State Agrarian University was awarded the main prize of the festival-levitating plant (Leplant Hamedorei).

Under the strict guidance of the assistant of the Chair of Ecology and Landscape Construction, Alexandra Olegovna Kasatkina, the students of the field "Ecology and Nature Management" planted the Hamedora plant of the Palm family in a special magnetic flower pot Lerlant, and after the report photo session the gift was transferred to the collection of exotic plants of the winter garden of the Stavropol State University.


Levitating plant LePlant is a unique innovative development combining nature and technology. The plants are in a special flowerpot above the wooden platform in the state of levitation. Overcoming gravity, they soar in the air, slightly rotating, while they get enough sunlight for full development. 

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