Ecology and energy


Issues of Ecological Management and Audit are discussed by Associate Professor of SSAU at the regional seminar

Training Workshop on "Environmental management and environmental audit as tools in the enterprise management system" was conducted by associate professor of the department of ecology and landscape construction of Stavropol State Agrarian University Yulia Mandra on the basis of the development of the business center of PJSC "Sberbank of Russia" on 7 September.

Students learned about the environmental management system and environmental audit as a tool to reduce the environmental risks of enterprises, effective management of resource consumption and waste companies, the formation of a socially responsible image and enhance the competitiveness of the enterprise in modern conditions.

Seminar on such an important topic was organized by the Ministry of Economic Development of Stavropol Territory, with the support of the regional Union of Employers' Business Congress of Stavropol". It was attended by representatives of small and medium-sized enterprises of Stavropol Territory, the students and teachers of Stavropol State Agrarian University.

As a result of the event, participants, representatives of businesses received certificates. 

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