Ecology and energy


Volunteers of SSAU support healthy environment

Volunteers of Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in the forum "Initiative" in the village of Kursavka of the Andropovsky district.

The purpose of the volunteer forum is to promote volunteerism among youth and the public of the Stavropol region. One of the forum sites was dedicated to environmental volunteering, aimed at preserving the environment, solving environmental problems. The event was held with the participation of the Russian public organization for environmental protection "Public environmental monitoring of Russia".

Eco-lesson for the young participates was held by professor of the Ecology and landscape architecture department Yu. Mandra, chairman of the regional branch of "OAKR", chairman of the Public Council of the Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection of the Stavropol territory, the Secretary of the Public Council of the Ministry of nature V. I. Emelyanov, Deputy Chairman of the regional branch of "OECR" P. G. Stepanyan. They told about the environmental rights and responsibilities of citizens of the Russian Federation held a business game, discussed the prospects of cooperation between active young people with the environmental control bodies in order to preserve the natural environment and promoting environmental education and awareness. 

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