Ecology and energy


"Ecoexperts" about the problems of ecology

The most original answer in the course of the intellectual game was given by the first-year student of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture of Stavropol State Agrarian University Georgy Kolesnichenko.

Spectacular event, organized on the initiative of the Duma deputy Stavropol Territory, CEO of Gazprom transgaz Stavropol Alexei Zavgorodnev, was held in the village. Ryzdvian of the Izobilnensky district in the framework of the Year of Ecology in Russia. Participate in a large-scale intellectual game gathered 20 teams. The format of the tournament consisted of team responses to 30 questions, which made it possible to draw the attention of the inhabitants of the region to the actual environmental problems of our time, to check the level of special knowledge in the field of ecology, and the degree of awareness in matters of rational use of natural resources.

Gaspromists from Gazprom transgaz Stavropol, North Caucasus branch of Gazprom Energo, students of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, representatives of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Stavropol Territory collided in a victorious battle.

Alexei Blinov, two times winner of the Cup "Crystal Owl" and the epic "Best Captain" of the television club "What? Where? When? ", Who noted the high level of organization of the game and serious preparation of participants.

Winners and prize winners of the intellectual game Alexey Zavgorodnev awarded valuable gifts, diplomas and medals. The prize for the most original answer was received by the student-ecologist of the agricultural university Georgy Kolesnichenko.

- The future of the planet is in good hands, because the younger generation is already actively involved in the solution of important environmental problems, "the deputy stressed. 

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