Ecology and energy


Modern resource-saving technology innovation and environmental problems were discussed by scientists of SSAU on the 81-th Scientific and Practical Conference

This year's plenary meeting of the 81-th scientific-practical conference of Agrobiology and Land departments and Ecology and Landscape architecture was devoted to 85th anniversary of outstanding scientist V.I. Tyulpanov, whose activity is inextricably linked with the history of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Opening the conference, the Dean of the Faculty, Professor Alexander Esaulko noted that it became a tradition to dedicate the annual conference of iconic personalities who worked at the university. This event is not the exeption. Today it is continued to operate a scientific school of soil named after Professor Tyulpanov. His pupil are: the Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor V.S. Tskhovrebov spoke about the life and scientific way of the scientist. The Tyulpanov’s son Sergey Vadimovich, an executive director of the agricultural cooperative of horticultural production "Gardens of the Stavropol region" was protruded. The departments remember their teachers and continue the traditions established by them.

The conference also discussed the modern resource-saving innovative technologies of cultivation of crops in the North Caucasian Federal District, the problems of ecology and protection of plants in Southern Russia and strategic partners of faculties were invited to the event. The speakers were: the Head of the environmental department of the analysis of the medium and long-term programs and the Ministry of Natural Resources and environmental plans of Stavropol region A.A. Korovin, the leading engineer of maintenance cadastre of Federal Cadastral Chamber of Rosreestr of the Stavropol region N.E. Malakhov, leading meteorologist FGBI "Stavropol CGMS" G.H. Badahova, deputy director of the Civil Code "Stavropolvinogradprom" A.S. Lysenko.

The work of the 81th scientific conference continued on the breakout sessions chairs.

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