Ecology and energy


Under the banner of the "Green Spring"

All-Russian ecological event was supported not only by word, but also by the first-year students of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture of SSAU.

In the period from April 22 to May 22 the Non-Governmental Ecological Foundation conducts the All-Russian Ecological Subbotnik "Green Spring", dedicated to the Year of Ecology. Millions of Russians in almost all regions of the country during the month will take part in activities that include cleaning the territories of garbage, planting flowers and trees, collecting waste paper and recyclable materials, collecting garbage, helping veterans of the Great Patriotic War and socially unprotected strata of the population, erecting and Restoration of playgrounds and other events.

On April 22, freshmen of the 2nd group of the direction "Landscape Architecture" together with the curator of the group, Associate Professor E.E. Stepanenko, supported the ecological All-Russian Subbotnik "Green Spring" -was put in order on fixed sites and adjacent university territory, including on flower beds. "Cleanliness, order, and soon the beauty of blossoming flowers and green plantations - this is our way!" - say the agrarians. No wonder the territory of the Stavropol State Agrarian University was repeatedly recognized as exemplary.

For reference:

In 2016 the Stavropol State University confirmed its position as the institution with the best in the Leninsky district of the adjacent territory - 1375 square meters of green "oasis" in the urban environment: 40 species of coniferous plants, more than 300,000 copies of flowers. 

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