Continuity of generations


Volunteers of SSAU - winners of the historical quest "The Battle of Stalingrad"

The volunteers group "TOLK" of SSAU took second place in the youth's historic quest "The Battle of Stalingrad".

All-Russian interactive game was held on the last day of January, in Stavropol, in the cadet school named after General Alexei Yermolov. There participated 8 teams of 10 people from different schools of the city.

The action was timed to coincide with the date of the liberation of Stalingrad from the fascists - February 2, 1943.

"The goal is to remind you about important events of the battle, victory in which was great for our country and the international military and political significance. It was scheduled a radical change in the course of the Second World War. After Stalingrad, began a period of exile German invaders from the territory of the Soviet Union - told team members SSAU. - The historical quest we had to perform a series of tasks, which on the whole we coped. "

As part of the quest, participants responded to a quiz on knowledge of dates and heroes battle decoded classified messages competed in rifle shooting accuracy, reproduce the historical reconstruction of the Battle of Stalingrad episodes.

At the end of the historical game all the participants were awarded by memorable gifts. 

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