Continuity of generations


Student teams SSAU is one of the best in the country!

Stavropol State Agrarian University became the winner of All-Russian competition of specialized student teams of Russian Ministry of Agriculture Universities in the nomination "The best institution of higher education that organizes the work of student teams."

Awarding of the winners of the contest held in the framework of the VIII All-Russian rural youth rally, united with the jubilee of X All-Russian student rally of specialized teams of high schools of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, which took place in Barnaul, from 26 to 29 October.

These days in the Altai Territory has gathered more than 400 soldiers and veterans of Russian students' specialized teams, representatives of administrations of agricultural universities, young entrepreneurs of agribusiness. At a rally there were representatives of our Agrarian University - Staff Commissioner MTR "Agrarian" Prozorov Philip and the commander of the student group "land surveyor" Malochkin Vladimir. Young people took part in workshops, plenary session, working sessions and expert round table.

Organizers of united rally - the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the Youth All-Russian public organization "Russian Agricultural Squad", the Russian Union of Rural Youth, the administration of the Altai Territory, Altai State University of Agriculture, Regional Palace of Youth with the support of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.

As a prize winner of nomination "The best institution of higher education that organizes the work of student teams," Stavropol State Agrarian University was awarded an honorary diploma and a cup of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. And our university student teams proved its strong leadership, and won prizes in the following nominations in different directions.

In the category "Mechanization" the winner is our farm group "Kolos" of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization.

Another first place won Accounting and Finance Department team "Finance", created recently, and the first time participated in the All-Russian competition. The main task of the volunteer participants of this group consider training of young Stavropol to stewardship personal funds. The results of the activities of "financiers" were numerous lessons of financial literacy in the regions and cities of the Stavropol Territory.

The winners and the holders of diplomas of II degree become a Veterinary Medicine faculty "Dr. Doolittle" team, (in the category "Livestock") and group «land surveyor» of Faculty of Agrobiology and land resources (in the category "Land management units"). III place won group "Ozelenitel" of Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture.

High rewards of national competition are clear confirmation of the results of active work of student specialized units of Stavropol State Agrarian University, united into a consolidated student staff of "Agrarian". All SSAU students' team trying to bring the maximum social benefit, and for each of the men they have become invaluable school of life.

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