Continuity of generations


Living Memory

On the eve of the 71st anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War at the Faculty of Economics the lesson of courage was traditionally held.

At the beginning of the event all participants observed a minute of silence in memory of people who died during the war. Welcomed the students and teachers the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Professor O. N. Kusakina: "A lot of time has passed since those terrible pores, but no matter how much the change of generations, the Victory Day was and will remain the main holiday of the country, dear and close to each of us. But the farther away those terrible years, the more deeply we understand the importance and greatness of this day. It is the memory of those who went to his death, without thinking of privation, or about the awards, the salvation of the homeland, of those who by their work in the rear brought closer the victory. We are indebted to them and will take care of the world. There are no words that could express the degree our appreciation of generation, defended the independence and freedom of our homeland, the right to life! "

Director of the University Scientific Library M.V. Obnovlenskaya presented musical and artistic composition "War has not a woman's face." Students prepared themed poems, presentation, posters, and vocal compositions.

Veterans are for all of us an example of how to live and win. Their active life position, self-control, wisdom, justice, the ability to support worthy of sincere respect and deep gratitude are important. We are indebted to them and will take care of the world.

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