Continuity of generations


The Great Patriotic War in the memory of the veterans

Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted a meeting of veterans of the great Patriotic War with students, dedicated to the liberation of Stavropol from the Nazi invaders.

The occupation by the Nazis, which lasted from August, 3 1942 to January, 25 1943 was a tragic page in the history of our region. People did everything not to let Nazi to stay in the rich region. At all stages of the battle the army our soldiers relied on the support and comprehensive assistance to the local population.

The meeting was the first of the series of the regional Patriotic events devoted to the preparation and celebration of the 72th anniversary of the Great Victory, as host was the Chairman of the Council of veterans of the primary veteran organization SSAU Professor Nikolay Gavrilovich Gusynin. Among the invited guests were the Chairman of the regional Council of the Stavropol regional public organisation of veterans of war, labour, armed forces and law enforcement agencies, Hero of labor of Stavropol, Honorary citizen of the Stavropol territory Alexei Gonchenko; veterans of the great Patriotic war Alexander Ponomarenko, Nikolai Degtyarev, Pavel Zakharchenko (participant of storm of Berlin); Chairman of the Council of veterans of Leninsky district Evgeny Sereda. Despite health problems, a cold winter day, veterans found time to meet. Advanced age not an obstacle for them – they are still standing by and are willing to share with the youth the true history of war, wisdom and experience of past years. The story of each of them was interesting in its own way. Many decades have passed since that terrible time, but they definitely remember all the dates, names and details of events that had to endure the Stavropol region and throughout the country.

Students with genuine interest listened to stories not only of war veterans but also veterans of work, the employees of our University Valentina Gruzdova and Valentina Korotaeva. During the war these women were children. They said that the Victory in the great Patriotic war was forged not only on the fronts. A considerable contribution to the defeat of fascism made and home front workers, women, elderly, children, who worked as adults – grazed livestock, dug trenches, worked at the bench.

Continued the story of the Stavropol region in the war years first-year students Ksenia Goncharovskaya (Faculty of agrobiology and land resources) and Natalia Kolomysova (Faculty of veterinary medicine).

Such events provide a rare opportunity for the young generation to learn about the events of the war first hand, ask questions to understand many things. During a meeting with veterans of the great Patriotic war, the young people imbued with the great essence of what made living for these people.

The event was organized by the veterans Council, the Department for educational work and social Affairs, Department of philosophy and history of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. 

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