Continuity of generations


From potatoes to repair parts

Today, in Stavropol State Agrarian University was held the regional stage of the intellectual game “Farmer beginner” among secondary specialized educational institutions.

Future farmers-businessmen presented completely different areas of business projects, and impressed the jury, chaired by vice-rector for scientific and innovative affairs V.Y. Morozov.

During the game, the team had to go through four rounds. The children presented their business ideas, demonstrated a presentation of their farms, answered questions about their profitability, investments, production costs, etc. Also, the players showed resistance to stress and ingenuity in situations proposed by jury. The final round for the teams was the show of posters.

At the end of the game 1 place took the team "Potato production" of state agro-technical collegefrom the village of Moscovskoye (Igor Kaschaev, Alexander Kobelev, Ivan Sulym, Lyudmila Domnina, Elena Domnina). On the 2 nd place is Praskoveisky Agro-Technological College with a project of cultivation of grape seedlings (Eugene Chernykh, Manush Manukyan, Alina Rayevneva). The 3rd place team is Blagodarnensky agro-technical college. The boys made a business plan for the trading in repair autoparts (ViktorTitkov Alexander Butov, Eugene Zatonskii). 

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