Continuity of generations
To the 70 anniversary of the Great Victory: releasing of Leningrad blockage
On February 19, 2015, the interuniversity scientific and practical conference "Heroic Defense of Leningrad" took place at Electric Power Engineering Faculty. Its organizers were the Department of Philosophy and History and the dean's office of the Electric Power Faculty. The event was held within the forthcoming celebration of the 70 anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War and on the eve of the Defender Day of the Fatherland.
On January 27, 2015, our country celebrated the Liberation Day of Leningrad from fascist blockade. Exactly 71 years ago in January, 1944, the city celebrated a victory. The victory of those who fought with the enemy to defend the hometown, who endured all burdens of the most severe blockade, who lived and fought despite cold and hunger, bombardments. The feat of Leningrad has one more side – spiritual. Leningrad residents showed the greatest moral force which allowed to pass inhuman tests and to win. Heroic defense of Leningrad, an immortal feat of Leningrad residents in blockade days became history of the Fatherland release. For all recent and for all subsequent generations Leningrad blockade forever remains as one of the most heroic pages in history of the Great Patriotic War, it will always be an embodiment of indestructible strength of mind and the will to win!
Students Sergey Pivovarov (1st course, Electric Power Faculty) and Alina Muradova (1st course, Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources), teachers of the Department of Philosophy and History took part in the discussion: professor S. V. Janusz, associate professors V. I. Kurchev, N. A. Kants, I. N. Kravchenko, senior teacher E. V. Tufanov.