Continuity of generations


Rural youth is in the spotlight

Moscow hosted meeting of activists of the Russian Union of Rural Youth which was attended by representatives of Stavropol State Agrarian University - post-graduate student Ivan Chuksin and student Valeriya Vasilieva.

The event was attended by delegates of all the regional offices of the Russian Union of Rural Youth (RURY), a unique social organization, which for eight years has been working for the benefit of rural development. Over this period of time it joined together more than 50 thousand young people from 71 regions of Russia. The number of activists continues to grow.

At the meeting, which took place during three days, the participants summed up the activities of the organization over the past four years and outlined the prospects for further work. One key issue was the project implemented with the support of the All-Russian People's Front (APF) "Civil control in rural areas", designed to solve a number of the most pressing issues for the modern village. First of all it allowed to find young people who are not indifferent to the fate of the Russian hinterland and to their already existing great enthusiasm to apply knowledge of modern methods of solving social problems and existing support programs. For these active young people RURY organized several educational sites, which were attended by more than 500 people during the year. In total, together with the APF there were organized about 10 monitorings the data of which helped in the formation of an objective assessment of the quality and accessibility of education, health, culture and sports in rural areas. Due to this, a number of Russian President Vladimir Putin's orders concerning these fields are under special control.

Activists of Stavropol regional department of the Russian Union of Rural Youth, which are students, graduates and employees of Stavropol State Agrarian University, are taking an active part in the implementation of projects of the organization. Over the last year, 24 meetings involving more than 3,500 people were held.

Stavropol regional office as well as the Russian Union of rural youth is striving to create conditions to ensure the active participation of youth in the socio-economic revival of Russian rural areas, modernization of agriculture and improvement of the quality of life of the villagers. Their most important common task is to unite initiative youth for the development of rural areas. For this purpose, activists will continue to keep replenishing their ranks with new people who are not indifferent to the fate of the Russian village. 

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