Continuity of generations


Steps into the future we do together

Representatives of Stavropol State Agrarian University - scientists, students and undergraduates - took part in the realization of the Russian scientific and social program for young people and students as experts and members of the jury.

Small Academy of Sciences of Stavropol Palace of children's creativity in the 10-th time on 21-23 November gathered enthusiastic children taking their first steps into the future career scientists and specialists.

The organizers of the competition young researchers in the North Caucasian Federal District - Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Stavropol Territory, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Stavropol Territory, Stavropol city administration GBU SC "Centre of youth projects", North-Caucasian Federal University, Russian scientific and social program for young people and schoolchildren "Step into the future", the Stavropol Palace of children's creativity; with the participation of Moscow State Technical University, Stavropol State Agrarian University and Stavropol State Medical University.

This year the advisory council, which was presented by leading scientists of universities of Stavropol, reviewed about 150 submitted works; work and youth jury from the undergraduate and graduate students of universities of the city. Representatives of Stavropol State Agrarian University were Khodusov A.A., Shipulo A.N., Stepanenko E.E., Kopylova O.S., Zaharin A.V., Dolgopolov A.F., Sharipov I.K., Orlyanskaya A.V., Kalugin D.S., Pavlyuk R.V., Kalinchenko S.B., Zaitseva I.V. As part of the youth jury - graduate of the Faculty of agricultural mechanization Grabelnikov D.I. and A.V. Panasenko.

The very protection of scientific works was held in the form of individual interviews with the members of the jury in the following areas: technology and engineering disciplines; mathematics, computer science, economics; natural sciences; humanitarian sciences; arts and crafts. So, in Agrarian University visited the participants of the scientific competitions Fablab "Vector", where employees are happy to answer any questions.

The absolute winner was T. Filenko grader MBOU 8 School № 29 Georgievsk. He presented the work "My 3D printer. Modelling by fusing layering "(supervisor: science teacher Maria V. Prokuda). Prizes for first place in the anniversary program" Steps to the Future "was given by Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Winners of the program were also given the opportunity to participate in the central events of the Russian youth scientific and social program for young people and students, which will be held in Moscow. And maybe some of the current guys winning, inhabitants of the region, the Russian delegation will travel to Norway at the Nobel Prize ceremony. After all, this honour is awarded each year the top 25 participants in the program "Step into the Future". 

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