Sports and health


News of Student Sports Contest

Annual aerobics and fitness competition was held on April 5 within the 62 University Student Contest.

5 teams went in for the competition in obligatory and voluntary programs.

The 5th place went to the Faculty of Hospitality and Finance. Due to the extraordinary and well performed program the Faculty of Electric Power Engineering took the 4th place. The third place went to the Faculty of Economics.

The Faculties of Agrobiology and Accounting and Finance competed for the 1st place that finally was taken by the former.

During the 6th round of the 5th basketball Championship of Stavropol region SSAU students hit the basket over 100 times. That allowed them to win “Kraiblonitsa” team(92:56). This victory strengthened SSAU position at the 3rd line.

The 7th play of the second round of the regional championship in basketball was held on April 9 and also finished by the victory of Stavropol State Agrarian University. Students of Agrarian University hit almost 100 times the basket (94:54).

On April 9 four SSAU students Ekaterina Danko, Anastasia Osychenko, Evgeniy Zubchenko and Alla Abaneeva judged Open bodybuilding championship. Coach Nina Mukhortova was awarded with certificate and medal for promoting bodybuilding. 

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