Sports and health


Healthy lifestyle - a choice without a doubt!

An open lecture "We choose life!" was held at the Faculty of Accounting and Finance of SSAU by the representative of the Drugs Traffic Control Office of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Russia in Stavropol Territory Elena Krasnoyaruzhenskaya.

Students of 1-2 years of study of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance attended November 16 an open lecture aimed at fighting drug trafficking, drug abuse prevention and promotion of healthy lifestyles among young people of Stavropol Territory.

A report for students was made by first lieutenant of police of the Department for Control over Drug Trafficking of the Main Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Stavropol Territory Elena Krasnoyaruzhenskaya.

During the lecture Elena Alexandrovna spoke about the dangers of smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction and abuse of inhalants. Students were shown visual material in the form of presentations and a variety of videos. Throughout the meeting, numerous examples of operational practice and personal observations of the life of drug addicts were cited. And it is worth noting that these facts were appalling. As opposed to what they saw students of Stavropol State Agrarian University choose a healthy lifestyle! 

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