Sports and health


On the sports university orbit

Basketball players from SSAU beat "Rus" from Mikhailovsk, and in competitions in darts of the 61st Sports contest among students, undergraduates and graduate students the Faculty of Electric Power Engineering became the leader.

In the sports complex of Stavropol State Agrarian University there was a game of the second round of the V Championship of Stavropol Territory in basketball. For the Cup of the Governor of Stavropol Territory in "Stavropol" zone men's teams of production staff, cities and municipalities.

In the first game, agrarian students beat "Rus" from Mikhailovsk with a score of 107: 70. In the second game, "INFA" and "Youth Sports School Gazprom" met. The first team was more experienced and won with a score of 83:53. In the third game, current champions - "Teploset" and newcomers - "Vepr" (Mikhailovsk) were fighting. "Teploset" players won - 76:59. In the final game of the tour, "Dairy plant" of Stavropol won Regional Hospital"- the score 71:43. The next tour is soon - 20th of November. Good luck, agrarian students, and win!

Darts contest within the 61st Sports contest among students, undergraduates and graduate students of Stavropol State Agrarian University was held on 16 November. The leaders in this kind of sports became the Faculty of Electric Power Engineering, prize winners are the Faculty of Accounting and Finance and the Faculty of Economics.

The faculty of socio-cultural service and tourism, that of agrobiology and land resources, joint team of the faculties of technological management and veterinary medicine and the faculty of farm mechanization took 4, 5, 6 and 7 places respectively.

Best personal results among girls are those of Mytsyk Anastasia (323 points!), and among young men the first became Danil Amirov, both are representatives of the Faculty of Electric Power Engineering. 

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