Sports and health


Students for a healthy lifestyle

At the Faculty of Electrification in Agriculture there was held Interuniversity student scientific and practical conference "We choose a healthy lifestyle," dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Stavropol State Agrarian University - the institution of a healthy lifestyle. The organizers are tutors of the Department of Automation, Electronics and Metrology, and Physics Department. Among the guests there were associate professor Yuri Golodnikov and students of Medical Faculty StSMU, head of the Department of Physical Education and Sport of SSAU associate professor Alexander Marchenko, associate professor of the Department of Philosophy Natalia Kanz, assistant professors of Physics Department Elena Rubtsov and Irina Bogolyubova, specialist of the Department of Educational Work of students Svetlana Yurchenko.

The event was opened by the Vice Dean for Academic and Educational work Shaliko Gabrielyan. Head of the Department of Physical Education and Sports, associate professor Alexander Marchenko made a presentation on the important components of a healthy lifestyle of young people and the need to maintain health. Reports were made by students: Nikolay Yurtsev, Mikhail Kuzin, Stanislav Akimenko, Julia Yashina, Andrew Berezhnoy, Maria Kamaldinova, Lyana Zatonskaya, Vladislav Mazur, Daniel Shaforostov (2nd year students,the Faculty of Electrification in Agriculture); Susanna Gutekulova (2nd year student of Agrobiology and Land Resources Faculty); Eugene Budko, Anastasia Loginova, Margarita Kononova (1st year students of Technological Management Faculty). They talked about food additives and their role in nutrition, sports metrology, standardization and certification of food for students, natural cosmetics, metrology value for the environment, and others. Great interest was caused by the results of sociological research among students of StSMU and SSAU for sugary carbonated beverage. The boys told about the harmful ingredients contained in sweet drinks, and made recommendations for the keep health and prevent serious diseases of internal organs.

At the end of the conference the students with the best reports were awarded with diplomas. 

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