"University is Territory of Tolerance"
Student inter-ethnic council of Stavropol State Agrarian University held a meeting of students with the deputy chairman of the regional public organization "Karachai cultural center" Alan "Magomed Totorkulov and Director of Stavropol branch of Development Foundation of Karachai-Balkar youth" Elbrusoid "Rustambek Batchaev. The event was supported by the Department for Educational Work and Social Affairs of SSAU.
The Council organizes activities of 16 cultural centers which unite representatives of 38 nationalities. The main forms of work are student activities for the development of intercultural dialogue, assisting the organization of festivals of friendship as well as activities aimed at strengthening inter-ethnic relations among the students of the University and prevention of conflicts. So at the last meeting, the participants in practice, with accessibility and visibility, dismantled the notion of social communication and conflict. Finally, everyone was invited to participate in the activities of inter-ethnic student council.
Such events became traditional in SSAU. They are held in the framework of the university program "University is Territory of Tolerance" and are an important focus in the education of young students for developing tolerant outlook, tolerance for all people, regardless of their nationality, religion, social, property status and other circumstances.