

"Your Choice" gathered socially active youth

Youth forum was organized by the Electoral Commission of Stavropol region and the Stavropol State Agrarian University, was held on 30th November in the regional center. The first forum was working in the format of a conference on the theme "Participation of young people in the electoral process of the Stavropol territory" .Chairman of the regional election commission Eugene Demyanov greeted the participants - 16 students of higher and secondary vocational education institutions, gathered in the concert hall of the Government of Stavropol territory.

As guests of honor were invited: the first Vice-Chairman of the Duma of Stavropol territory, Dmitry Sudavtsov; deputies of the Duma of Stavropol Territory - Peter Marchenko, Viktor Nadein and Andrew Yongding; Deputy Minister of Education and Youth Policy of the Stavropol territory, the head of the youth Policy Department Dmitry Donetsk; Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications of the North Caucasus Federal district Maksim Novikov; Head of the Department of Constitutional and International Law Faculty of the North Caucasus Federal University Igor Andrei Mukhachyov. The Stavropol State Agrarian University was represented by Director of Additional Professional Education Institute Lisova Olga.

After the plenary session forum continued the work in three sections: "Democracy: a fiction or a path to social progress", "I’m for the election or elections for me? Personal choice is for everyone”. "Electoral Technologies: legal and illegal", and students are narrate about each sections. At the end of the forum were made proposals to improve the work of the regional election commission with the young voting public. The most distinguished participants of Youth Forum "Your Choice" Electoral Commission of Stavropol territory encouraged by grateful letters.

At the final session of the forum Lisova O. told: "I think that our meeting today will hardly apply only to the field of law. Rather, here, in the building of the Government of Stavropol territory, caring people gathered - representatives of the students who are ready to take responsibility for the future of our country." 

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