

National Unity Day is dedicated to

In the Agrarian University continues events timed to the forthcoming celebration of the most important national holiday.

So, on the first day of November it took interfaculty exciting quiz "People of Russia". The organizer was students' Ethnic Council of Stavropol State Agrarian University.

The jury consisted of tutors of the Department of Philosophy and History - Head of the Department, PhD, Associate Professor Sergey Zolotarev, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Svetlana Kalinchenko, candidate of historical sciences Eugene Tufanov.

All members of the jury appreciated the level of the outlook of faculty teams in the field of national traditions, folk customs, as well as possession of information about the historical and natural monuments located on the territory of the North Caucasus Federal District.

Participants of the quiz also pleasantly surprised the jury and the spectators with good knowledge of the traditions of hospitality as the one of the most striking features of the culture of the peoples of the North Caucasus. Students in theater sketches and creative talent showed that any visitor to the Caucasian family is always surrounded by the atmosphere of sincerity, he meant very best that is in the house, addressed to him all the attention of the hosts. It was presented and some moments of ritual culture, such as wedding traditions.

At the end, the jury summed up the results of the quiz and determine the best team - the team of Economics, the Electricity and the Faculty of Socio-cultural service and tourism.

The award winners will be held on November 9 on the creative high school festival "We are the faithful children of a single country." 

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