

We are faithful children of the single country!

More than 100 University and faculty events, where with great joy participated students and teachers from all faculties, was held in connection with the celebration of the national holiday – Day of national unity.

All the main events in those days were lecture halls, sports halls, museum, research library, auditorium of the university. And most significant, the final series of festive events was held in the University's traditional youth festival of national cultures "We – the faithful children of a single country", which was opened by the Vice rector for academic and educational work, associate professor I. V. Atanov. He explaied the main idea of the colorful festival - the unity and cohesion of a multinational student body of our University.

Spectators and participants were able to enjoy not only the remarkable multi-faceted creativity and talent of our students, but also to plunge into the important process of cultural exchange. This became possible because the administration and the students always strive to make the Stavropol state agrarian University is the University area of peace, kindness, understanding. The people here are united in a desire not only to learn new things, but also to create it, sharing with each other their ideas, traditions, and culture.

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