

Ombudsman for students’ rights of SSAU took up his duties

October 10, 2016 there was a meeting of primary trade union organization of students of the Agrarian University, at which ombudsman for students’ rights was introduced. This is a third-year student of the faculty of electric power engineering Sergei Pivovarov.

We remind you that these elections of ombudsmen for the rights of students were held in 80 high schools of the Russian Federation. In Stavropol State Agrarian University, three candidates claimed to the new student’s post. During the election campaign the students conducted social surveys to identify the actual problems of the students, each candidate presented an individual program of social and legal issues decisions, participated in the debate.

His best business and personal qualities necessary for the organization of student work in this legal field showed 3-year student of the Faculty of Electric Power Engineering Sergei Pivovarov.

At the meeting, he had already presented a plan of collaboration with the student trade union committee for the next month. First of all, it will focus on such areas as: free access to the museums of the city in a single day and the establishment of local legal and regulatory framework for students of SSAU.

Sergei Pivovarov now has to sort out the situation: why certain specified regulations are not implemented precisely in the city of Stavropol: free access to museums for persons under 18 and those studying basic professional educational programs (see Annex to the Order of the Russian Federation Ministry of Culture from 17.12. 2015 № 3119), and to implement the solution of this important for all students "museum" issue.

As to the creation of a legal package for the students of the Agrarian University, it will comprise the Charter, various provisions (including SSAU student dress code, student dormitory, etc.) and other local acts regulating the rights and responsibilities of young people. To do this, the site is already being monitoring questions from the students of Stavropol State Agrarian University. So everyone has a chance to join this important activity.

In the meantime, we congratulate Sergei Pivovarov and wish him a fruitful work for the benefit of all the great student family of the Agrarian University! 

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