

Public safety for first-year students of Stavropol State Agrarian University

First-year students of Stavropol State Agrarian University have participated in meetings dedicated to the issues of public safety.

The event was opened consultant committee of public safety administration of Stavropol V.V. Khukhlaev. In a conversation with students he revealed the concept of public safety: «In the National security strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020», approved by Presidential Decree of 12.05.2009 number 537, it is defined as «a state of security of the person and citizen, material and spiritual values ​​of society criminal and other illegal encroachments, social and ethnic conflicts, as well as from emergency situations of natural and man-made». He explained that the main public security threats are terrorism, extremist activities nationalist, religious, ethnic and other organizations and structures aimed at violating the unity and territorial integrity of Russia, as well as crimes related to drug trafficking and committed under the influence of these substances and alcoholic beverages corruption.

The talks attended by representatives of the Russian interior ministry in the Stavropol region: Inspector of the juvenile police (department number one, office of the Russian interior ministry in the city of Stavropol), police lieutenant E.V. Fedotov, police officer N.S. Ostroverkhova. They told first-year students on the responsibility for administrative and criminal offenses, the danger of the use and distribution of drugs. Particular attention was paid to road safety. Students watched a video in which acute security problems on the roads, in particular inexperience and irresponsibility of young drivers have been raised.

With special interest, students listened to the lecturer of Stavropol regional branch of the Russian society «Knowledge» O.V. Onopriyenko. The conversation took place in the form of a dialogue, the students asked questions and expressed their opinions actively.

Preventive activities are organized by the department of educational work and social issues under the freshmen`s adaptation program at the university.

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