Unity day: we all live in Russia!
In honor of the National Unity Day the Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted the Fifth annual festival of students "Friendship of the peoples".
This day has a special place among the State holidays of modern Russia. It is associated with the events of 1612 – the heroism of our ancestors, who struggled for freedom and independence of the Motherland. It is a celebration of mutual aid and unity. Deep meaning is hidden in it. Russia has faced the difficulties for many times, but has revived again and again and became stronger and stronger.
Students of all faculties took part in the event. They not only remembered the most important historical landmarks of Russia, but also, representing their nationalities, have prepared great presentations, movies and performances. The whole event was permeated with the idea of the importance of the cohesion of our multinational country – because only together moving in the same direction it is possible to cope with difficulties and overcome obstacles.
Finally, the participants wished each other peace, wellbeing and prosperity!