New ideas
Galeev Evgeniy Valeryevitch , Head of the department of inspection and attestation of the professor-teaching staff
Statement about the professor-teaching staff and the University rating assessment of subdivisions in 2016
Description of the idea:
As ways to improve the rating we offer.
- Revise the criteria for the composition of high-performance level. And set standards for these criteria.
- Raise the standards for all positions to enter the effective level.
- Reassess the points system in accordance with the current priorities.
- Review mechanism to verify the results of the Educational Activities section 6 and section 7 Social work
Expected impact:
- Increase employee satisfaction
- Increased productivity
Status: Discussion
Category: Rating Rating Customer rating PPP

Ekaterina Dolgih, Specialist in educational and methodical work, Senior Lecturer
Draft regulation on the development, approval and change the curricula of basic professional educational programs of higher education
Description of the idea:
The curriculum is a document, which defines the list of labor intensity, consistency and distribution periods of subjects of study, courses, disciplines (modules), practices, and other learning activities and, unless otherwise provided by law, form interim assessment of students employed occupations ( lectures, practical, laboratory), date and time of passing the intermediate attestation and holidays.
Expected impact:
- Increase in employee satisfaction
- Increase customer satisfaction
Status: Discussion
Category: Educational process
Samoilenko Vladimir , Head of the center of the educational process management, docent
Draft regulation on the implementation and protection of final qualifying work
Description of the idea:
Execution of final qualifying work (hereinafter - FQW) for trainees of the SSAU graduate courses is the mandatory final stage of training at the appropriate level of education for all forms of study (full-time, part-time, part-time) and is defined as a form of state final examination. Final qualifying work is done by students (several learners together), demonstrating the level of preparedness of graduates to independent professional activity.
Expected impact:
- Increase in customer satisfaction
- Standardization of reporting forms
Status: Discussion
Category: Educational process

Atanov Ivan, Vice-rector on educational and upbringing work , docent
Order of the state final examination for educational programs of higher education - undergraduate programs, graduate programs and specialty programs
Description of the idea:
The order establishes the procedure for organizing and conducting the state final certification of students (hereinafter - students, alumni), the final development of the state-accredited educational programs, including forms of the state final examination, requirements for the use of means of training and education, means of communication during the state final certification requirements, imposed on persons involved in conducting the state final examination, the procedure for submission and consideration of appeals, change and (or) the cancellation of the results of the state final examination, as well as the peculiarities of the state final examination for students from among persons with disabilities.
Expected impact:
- Increase in customer satisfaction
- Standardization of the educational process
Status: Discussion
Category: Educational process

Tunina Nelly , Head of the department
Order of registration, conducting, recording and storing of record books and student results’ book
Description of the idea:
Record book is a student document, which records the results of the development of their basic educational programs of higher education in which the student is enrolled by the order of the rector. Student results’ is a document certifying the identity of the student and the affiliation of its owner to a specific form of training students of any faculty of the University.
Expected impact:
- Increase customer satisfaction
- Standardization of student documents
Status: Discussion
Category: Educational process
Evgenij Galeev, Head of the inspection and certification of PPS
Suggestions for the certification of employees related to the administrative management, educational support, administrative, economic, engineering and technical personnel
Description of the idea:
The certification of employees is carried out in order to determine whether the employee reasonably can fit for the position he/she applies based on an assessment of his professional performance.
Expected impact:
- Professional development of employees;
- Identification of career growth prospects;
- The growth of professional competence,
- Identification of the need to enhance the skills of workers;
- Improving staff satisfaction.
Status: Accepted for implementation
Category: Personnel management

Ekaterina Dolgih, Specialist in educational and methodical work, Senior Lecturer
Suggestions about the procedure for maintaining the register of attendance, academic achievement and eliminate students’ absenteeism
Description of the idea:
The procedure for maintaining the register of attendance, academic achievement and eliminate students’ absenteeism, the theme plan lessons.
Expected impact:
- Standardization of a teacher record keeping.
Status: Accepted for implementation
Category: Educational process

Aleksandr Marchenko, Head of the Department of Physical Education and Sport.
Suggestion on holding the 60th sports competition among students, undergraduates and graduate students of the HEE "Stavropol State Agrarian University" in the 2015-2016 academic year
Description of the idea:
Competitions among students, undergraduates and graduate students are held in order to:
- Develop mass sports in the University;
- Improve the health of students;
- Promote healthy lifestyles;
- Further develop the sporting traditions in the Russian agro-industrial complex;
- Organize cultural activities;
- Improve sports skills;
- Prepare the successful performance of athletes for the University, city, regional, national and - international competitions.
Expected impact:
- Increase customer satisfaction;
- Increase the share of students involved in the movement "For a healthy lifestyle."
Status: Accepted for implementation
Category: Educational process

Aleksandr Marchenko, Head of the Department of Physical Education and Sport
Suggestions for the 12th sports competition "Freshman Cup" of the HPE "Stavropol State Agrarian University" in the 2015-2016 academic years
Description of the idea:
"Freshman Cup" is held in order to:
- Develop mass sports in the University, increasing its role in the training and education of students;
- Promote healthy lifestyles;
- Organize cultural activities;
- Improve sports skills of students;
- Organize cultural activities;
- Improve sports skills;
- Prepare the successful performance of athletes at the University, city, regional, national and international competitions.
Expected impact:
- Increase customer satisfaction;
- Increase the share of students involved in the movement "For a healthy lifestyle."
Status: Accepted for implementation
Category: Educational process

Tatiana Djachenko, Senior Lecturer
Suggestions about the XVI Games among university staff of the HPE “Stavropol State Agrarian University"
Description of the idea:
The objectives of the Games:
- Promote healthy lifestyle among the staff of the Stavropol State Agrarian University;
- Keep sporting traditions in the Russian agro-industrial complex;
- Attract veterans to regular physical exercises;
- Strengthen of friendly relations and the involvement of all employees in regular exercise;
- Determine departments which have achieved the best results in sports activities;
- Increase sportsmanship among the faculty and staff of the University.
Expected impact:
- Increase employee satisfaction
- Keep alive the traditions at the University
- Increase the share of staff involved in the movement "For a Healthy Lifestyle"
Status: Accepted for implementation
Category: Social development

Vladimir Truhachev, Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Professor
Opening of a new sports ground
Description of the idea:
Dear students! Our University has opened online voting among the students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University regarding the type of the new sports ground. On September, 17 to celebrate the 85th anniversary of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, we opened the first workout-site on the basis of the University in our Territory ( Even today, it is very popular among the youth of the Agrarian University. And you have probably seen that next to this ground there is some empty space, which will be enough for a sports ground. It is possible to accommodate the equipment for street ball or volleyball, tennis or badminton, or maybe you have felt the need for another site for the street workout? We decided to ask you what you want to see on this space. What sports do you like to do? Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor V.I. Trukhachev
Expected impact:
- Promote outdoor sports among students of SSAU
Status: Accepted for implementation
Category: Social development

Ivan Atanov, Vice-rector for academic and educational work, associate professor
Suggestions on the procedure of the state final examination for educational programs of higher education
Description of the idea:
Regulations on the procedure of the state final examination set:
- Procedure for organizing and conducting the state final certification of students, the final development of educational programs,
- Requirements for the use of means of training and education, communication during the state final examination,
- Requirements for people involved in conducting the state final examination,
- Procedure for filing appeals, and (or) the cancellation of the results of the state final examination,
- Peculiarities of the state final examination for graduates with disabilities.
Expected impact:
- Increase customer satisfaction
Status: Rejected
Category: Educational process
Irina Trubina, Assistant professor
The Contest of youth projects among students, graduate students and young scientists "Innovation of the food industry", dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Stavropol State Agrarian University
Description of the idea:
The goals and objectives of the contest:
- Promote research, practical significance of creative activity of students and young scientists.
- Identify and implement strategic and breakthrough ideas and projects that are of great interest and importance for the development of the food industry in Russia.
- Maintain the scientific creativity of young people using their knowledge in practice and to provide moral support.
- Raise public awareness to the problems of food processing, preservation and development intellectual potential.
- Stimulate the qualitative and quantitative growth of scientific research and creative activity of students, teachers
Expected impact:
- The competition is open to students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of the Russian Federation, researchers and graduate students of higher educational and research institutions.
- The competition will present individually performed work and the work performed by a team with the number of participants not more than 3 people.
Status: Accepted for implementation
Category: Scientific process

Karina Mihajlova, Assistant professor
Suggestion about holding the Cossack Shermitsya at SSAU
Description of the idea:
It is planned to hold the festival of Cossack culture in Stavropol State Agrarian University, which will be marked by holding the Cossack shermitsy (sports) students and post-graduate students of the university, folk concert, exhibitions, fairs, ceremonial activities, refreshments and cold dishes and a traditional Cossack comic contests for everyone. Location of event: Sports Complex "Kolos" at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Technological Management of SSAU , Serova street, 523.
Expected impact:
- The revival and promotion of traditional Orthodox Cossack culture.
- The spiritual, moral and patriotic education of youth.
- Familiarizing students and staff of the SSAU and all visitors to the event with an active sports lifestyle and life-affirming worldview.
- The aesthetic education of youth through cultural and leisure activities.
Status: Rejected
Category: Social development
Evgenij Galeev, Head of the inspection and certification of PPS
Suggestions about the rating evaluation of the professor-teaching staff and University subdivisions in 2015
Description of the idea:
Major changes:
- Highlighted section 3 "Implementation of additional educational programs";
- Renumbered sections of Qualifications, and International Activities Awards and Recognition;
- Entered the index rating of the Dean and Head of a Department;
- Supplemented by correction coefficients calculating rating of the department and faculty;
- Removed figures 1.7 and 1.8;
- Changed the procedure for submission of data on the results of the professor-teaching staff reference databases process.
Expected impact:
- Increase employee satisfaction;
- Increase productivity.
Status: Accepted for implementation
Category: Rating by PPS

Aleksandr Marin, Vice-rector on social issues and career-oriented work
Agreement about cooperation with municipal educational establishments (Schools, colleges, lyceums and others)
Description of the idea:
The agreement is to:
- Ensure the training of skilled personnel to provide with the long-term needs of the sectors of the economy and social sphere;
- Promote the modernization of the system of higher education based on the integration of science and education;
- Assist in the formation of a professional orientation of future entrants;
- Develop new forms of cooperation with municipal educational institutions.
Expected impact:
- Increase partner satisfaction;
- Increase customer satisfaction.
Status: Accepted for implementation
Category: Educational process
Marina Obnovlenskaja, Library Director
Suggestions to confirm the amount of borrowing in the placement of text and final qualifying works in electronic-library system of the HPI Stavropol State Agrarian University
Description of the idea:
The regulation establishes the procedure for checking the final qualifying works on the volume of loans.
Expected impact:
- Improve the quality of final qualifying works;
- Increase partner satisfaction;
- Increase customer satisfaction.
Status: Rejected
Category: Educational process

Elena Hohlova, Assistant professor
Suggestions about the order of holding of the final attestation on educational programs of higher education- Bachelor, Specialty and Master degrees programs in FSBEI HPE Stavropol SAU
Description of the idea:
Regulations on the procedure of the state final examination sets:
- Procedure for organizing and conducting the state final certification of students, final development of educational programs;
- Requirements for the use of means of training and education, communication during the state final examination;
- Requirements for the people involved in conducting the state final examination;
- Procedure for filing appeals, and (or) the cancellation of the results of the state final examination;
- Peculiarities of the state final examination for graduates with disabilities.
Expected impact:
- Increase customer satisfaction.
Status: Rejected
Category: Educational process

Igor Shchetinkin, Lawyer
Suggestions about cooperation and partnership
Description of the idea:
The relationship of the University with partners in the training of qualified personnel helps to ensure the long-term needs of the sectors of the economy and social sphere and their further employment, promote systemic modernization of higher education through the integration of science, education and industry, the development of new, progressive forms of cooperation with the organizations and enterprises, joint training and training of qualified specialists.
Expected impact:
- Increase partner satisfaction;
- Increase customer satisfaction.
Status: Accepted for implementation
Category: Partnerships

Nellie Tunina, Head of department
Agreement on the provision of places for the educational and industrial practice for students of the HPE Stavropol State Agrarian University
Description of the idea:
The draft agreement is designed to improve the procedure for organizing and conducting educational and work practice, as well as the conditions of places for practical training of students of the University.
Expected impact:
- Increase customer satisfaction;
- Increase partner satisfaction.
Status: Accepted for implementation
Category: Educational process
Olga Fedisko, Senior Lecturer
Suggestions about the student committee on the quality of education of the FSBEE HPE Stavropol SAU
Description of the idea:
The Student Committee for the quality of education of the HPE Stavropol State Agrarian University is a public university and the student union created for the realization of the rights of students is to participate in the discussion and resolution of critical issues of the University, activating the social activity of students, realization of social support and student initiatives.
Expected impact:
- Involvement of students in improving the processes of education, science, education, social conditions of learning and living at the University;
- Transfer of the student government at the University to a higher level of quality;
- Equal distribution of responsibility for the quality of education at the University between staff and students;
- Enhancing customer satisfaction.
Status: Accepted for implementation
Category: Student government

Aleksandr Marchenko, Head of the department of physical education and sport.
Suggestions about holding the XV Sports Games among the employees of the University FSBEE Stavropol State Agrarian University
Description of the idea:
The objectives of the Games:
- Promoting healthy lifestyle of the staff of the Stavropol State Agrarian University of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia;
- Keeping sport traditions in the Russian agro-industrial complex;
- Attracting veterans to regular physical exercises;
- Strengthening of friendly relations and the involvement of all employees in regular exercise;
- Determination of departments to achieve the best results in sports activities;
- Increasing sportsmanship among the faculty and staff of the University;
Expected impact:
- Increase of employee satisfaction;
- Multiplication of traditions at the University;
- Increase in the share of personnel involved in the movement for a Healthy Lifestyle.
Status: Accepted for implementation
Category: Social development

Aleksandr Truhachev, Head of the Department of Tourism and Service, Associate Professor
Suggestions about the innovative approach to writing protocols of meetings of Academic Councils of faculties and departments of the University
Description of the idea:
To facilitate the search and further reference to key indicators, according to the "EFQM Excellence Model ", adopted at the University it is suggested to integrate the criteria of this model into the protocols of the meetings of structural subdivisions of the University.
Expected impact:
- Reduced labor costs to prepare for the next assessments and structuring the done work at the University faculties and departments to quickly find and refer to it (i.e., documentation and progress reports for the assessments) for the implementation of measures to improve the quality management and processes of the "EFQM Excellence Model".
Status: Accepted for implementation
Category: Flow of documents

Vladimir Truhachev, Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Professor
Suggestions about the project of the program of education of FSBEE HPE Stavropol SAU for the years 2014-2017
Description of the idea:
The program contains targets for the overall activities of the University and faculties for key processes and support activities for the years 2014 - 2017.
Expected impact:
- The achievement of the Mission and medium-term goals and objectives of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.
Status: Accepted for implementation
Category: Mission
Galeev Evgenij Valer'evich, Head of the inspection and certification of PPS
Suggestions about the rating evaluation of the professor-teaching staff and subdivisions of the University
Description of the idea:
Major changes – the section 9 “International Activities" has been created.
Expected impact:
- Increase employee satisfaction;
- Increase productivity.
Status: Accepted for implementation
Category: Personnel management
Galeev Evgenij Valer'evich, Head of the inspection and certification of PPS
Suggestions about the rating evaluation of the professor-teaching staff and subdivisions of the University in 2014
Description of the idea:
Major changes - section 9 "International Activities" has been created.
Expected impact:
- Increase employee satisfaction;
- Increase productivity.
Status: Accepted for implementation
Category: Rating by PPS